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√ Thông tin:
- Tên game: Blaster Master (Europe, USA) [Chou-Wakusei Senki - MetaFight (Japan)]
- Thể loại: Action
- Dung lượng (nén):
● Chou-Wakusei Senki - MetaFight (Japan): 147.58 Kb
● Blaster Master (Europe): 154.38 Kb
● Blaster Master (USA): 154.66 Kb
● Blaster Master (USA) [Hack by Jigglysaint v1.1] (~Blaster Master - Pimp Your Ride): 155.89 Kb
- Ngôn ngữ: Japan, English
- Phát triển: Tokai Engineering
- Xuất bản: SunSoft
- Phát hành: November 1988
- Nền tảng: NES (Nintendo Entertainment System).
√ Hình ảnh:
1 204
2 194
3 130
√ Link Download:
Chou-Wakusei Senki - MetaFight (Japan)
Blaster Master (Europe)
Blaster Master (USA)
Blaster Master (USA) [Hack by Jigglysaint v1.1] (~Blaster Master - Pimp Your Ride)
√ Cheat:
✪ Cheat Code Genie:
1. Infinite Lives: SZUGYIVG
2. Start With 1 Life: AAEGZLZA
3. Start With 6 Lives: IAEGZLZA
4. Start With 9 Lives: AAEGZLZE
5. Infinite Homing Missiles:
6. Infinite Thunder: GXKPEOVK
7. Infinite Multi-Warheads: GXSOVXVK
8. Start With 5 Of Each Weapon: IAEKPLAA
9. Start With 10 Of Each Weapon: ZAEKPLAE
10. Start With 15 Of Each Weapon: YAEKPLAE
11. Kill All Enemies: YAASLY
(This code kills all enemies when they appear. However, it makes the second boss invincible).
12. Enemies Are Messed Up And Makes The Game Harder: PIIKKK
13. Messes Up Song And Graghics: EKGAAA
14. Cool Music And Sound: EKYAAA
15. Screen Scrolls Weird, Can Get Stuck In Walls: KKKKKK
16. No Sound, Tank Just Moves In Place: KKIIST
17. Can't Get Power-Ups: OPISTY
18. Jungle-Like Level, Must Exit Tank To Explore: GKISOP
19. Mixed-Up Maze: GKISEP
20. Many Strange Effects Take Place: GKISZP
21. Cool Colors: SSPAGE
22. Nighttime With Blue Landscape: IIPAGE
23. Rick LWeird Colors, Screen Jerks Around, Enemies Are Frozen: IPPAGE
24. Computer-Like Music And Sound Effects: IPEAGE
25. When You Aim The Tank Up, The Cannon Doesn't Go Up All The Way: STOPIT
26. Infinite Car Energy: XVLAKO
27. Infinite Car Energy, Gain Most Power-Ups Shortly: OOLAKO
(You gain all the car powerups shortly into the game except the Hyper Gun from the first boss).
28. Infinite Energy (Alternate Code): OLVKSOOO
29. Start With 99 Of Each Weapon: LTEKPLAA
30. Able to Fight Bosses When Fully Upgraded: AEEPUNYA
31. All Enemies & Bosses Die In 1 Or 2 Hits, Any Weapon: KKKSTV
(You still hafta have the "hyper" to kill the guard to enter Stage 2).
32. Die and you'll see the ending of the game: ZGUKZITP
33. Infinite Continues: NAUKGSTY
34. Infinite Hover: SZXOALVG
35. Invincibility: OPEKVOOU
(Characters flicker).
36. Invulnerability To Enemies: ESVSITEY
37. Some Enemies Automatically Die: EISZSAEY
38. Start A New Game With Sofia Fully Upgraded: NNKKGZAE
39. Start at the boss of world 1/2/3/4/5/6/7/8:
(Select the world by holding down the following buttons when the tank start-up animation appears:
no button: world 1
right: world 2
left: world 3
left vs right: world 4
down: world 5
down vs right: world 6
down vs left: world 7
down vs left vs right: world 8).

40. Start at the boss of world:
(Replace _ with:
World 1: A
World 2: P
World 3: Z
World 4: L
World 5: G
World 6: I
World 7: T
World 8: Y).

41. Start With 99 Of Each Weapon: LTEKPLAA
42. Start Witll 99 Weapons And Max Hover: NYEKPLAE

✪ Cheat Code RAW:
1. Always Have Super Gun: 0092:??
2. Full Gun Power (Jason): 00C3:FF
3. Infinite Health: 040D:FF
4. Infinite Homing Missiles: 06F0:63
5. Infinite Hover: 0092:FF
6. Infinite Lightning: 06F1:63
7. Infinite Lives: 00DD:03
8. Infinite Multi Warhead: 06F2:63
9. Invincibility: 007E:00
(Switch f/x off to collect items).
10. Invincibility - Alternative: 0409:02
(Note: Character flickers).
11. Most End Bosses Die Instantly: 047D:00
12. Set Most Sophia Upgrades: 0099:FF
(Does not work for Sophia 3rd's Hyper Gun or Hover ability. Use code "05" to alter the Hyper Gun/Hover ability).
13. Set Upgrades For Sophia 3rd: 03FC:??
(For Hover ability, you need to use code"09" to activate it.
00 - Normal Gun
01 - 1st Hyper Gun
02 - 2nd Hyper Gun
03 - 1st & 2nd Hyper Gun
04 - Hover Ability
05 - 1st Hyper Gun/Hover Ability
06 - 2nd Hyper Gun/Hover Ability
07 - 1st & 2nd Hyper Gun/Hover Ability).

14. Switch F/X On To Levitate Jump: 0407:7F

* Easy Boss Defeats
- Note:This trick only works on the bosses for levels 2, 4, 6, and 7.
- During the boss battle, quickly throw grenades at the boss as fast as you can, he will begin to flash. Press pause while he's flashing and wait 25 seconds, unpause the game and the boss will explode. Easy as that.
√ Chúc vui.
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